Ayumi ashi 歩足alternating feet (as in walking)
Battojutsu 抜刀術 a martial system of drawing and striking with the sword
Battodo 抜刀道 a way of self cultivation based on such a system
Bokken 木剣 wooden sword
Bokuto 木刀 wooden sword
Budo 武道 martial ways (of self cultivation)
Budoka 武道家 one who practices budo
Bunkai 分解 analysis of kata and their applications
Chakin Shibori 茶巾絞りthe wringing out action used to tighten the grip on the sword (as in squeezing out a small wet cloth by a hand)
Chiburi 血振り a ritualized gesture to convey the throwing off of blood from a sword blade (in reality ineffective)
Chika ma 近間 combative distance where less than a full step is required to strike the opponent
Chudan 中段 middle level (in space)
Chudan (no) Kamae 中段構えmidlevel ready position
Daito大刀 the longer sword carried in the belt together with the short sword (shoto)
Dan 段level, grade
Do 道road, way, means
Dojo 道場 place of practice
Enkeisen 円形線circular line/path
Furikaburi 振り被りbringing the sword up over the head in preparation for a downward cut
Gedan kamae 下段構え lower guard position
Gyakukesagiri 逆袈裟斬 reverse ‘kesa’ cut (diagonal upwards)
Hachinoji 八の字 The figure/character ‘eight’, an exercise moving the kensen in this pattern
Hakama 袴 the pleated skirt worn in sword arts
Hamon 刃紋 blade decoration, the pattern formed along the blade edge during the differential hardening that occurs during quenching of the heated blade
Happo Giri 八方斬りthe eight cutting techniques (of Nakamura Ryu); cutting the eight directions
Hara 腹 the abdominal area and the powers associated with it
Hasso kamae 八相構えeight phases/aspects
Hassuji 刃筋 cutting angle
Hikinuki 引き抜きextraction; pulling out the sword after a thrust
Hyoshi 拍子Rhythm
Iaido 居合道 the way of drawing (and striking) with the sword
Issoku itto no ma 一足一刀の間 the combative interval from which one step brings one within striking distance of the opponent
Jodan 上段 upper level
Jodan kamae 上段構 えupper level ready-position
Jukendo 銃剣道 the Way of the bayonet
Jutsu 術technique, skill
Kamae 構え guard or ready position
Kami 神deity (of a natural phenomena, associated with the Japanese Shinto religion)
Kamiwaza 神業 a divine martial technique, one of supernatural quality
Kan 観 insight, deep seeing
Kata 形 form, practice pattern
Katana 刀the single edged sword originating in the late 14th century, designed to be wielded with one or both hands and worn in the belt blade facing down
Katsujinken 活人剣 the life giving sword
Keikogi 稽古着/稽古衣 garment worn over the upper body in sword arts
Kendo 剣道way of the sword (drawn sword)
Kendoka 剣道家a practitioner of kendo
Kenjutsu 剣術a martial system of sword fighting
Kensaki/Kensen 剣先the end of the sword
Kesagiri 袈裟斬 diagonal downward cut following the line of the cloth worn across a Buddhist monks upper body
Ki 気 energy
Kiai 気合い the integration of energy
Kibun 気分mood, feeling
Kigai 気慨courage, spirit, backbone
Kihaku 気迫/気魄 great spirit, soul, deep power
Kihon 基本basic movement, element (composed of 基 foundation, fundamental and 本 origin)
Kikentaiichi 気剣体一致unification of energy sword and body
Kirikaeshi 切り返しrepeated cutting (carried out by striking an opponents sword or body while moving forwards and backwards)
Kirioroshi 切り下しvertical downward cut
Kiryoku 気力energy vigour mettle push
Kissaki 切っ先(cutting) sword point
Koryu 古流ancient martial arts school (pre Meiji Era)
Kote 小手the area of arm, wrist and forearm
Ku 空 the element ether/space
Kumitachi 組太刀formalized sparring with swords
Kumiuchi 組打ちgrappling
Ma 間space interval
Maai 間合いinterval intervening space
Makiwara 巻藁 straw covered target for striking practice
Mayokogiri 真横斬りtrue/exactly horizontal cut
Metsuke 目付けway of looking
Mine 峯(or Mune棟) back of sword
Mine uchi 峯打ちstriking with the back of the sword
Mogito 摸擬刀 imitation sword/practice sword (usually of alloy and blunt edged)
Monouchi 物打 the top one-third section of the blade that is used for cutting
Morote tsuki 諸手突きtwo handed thrust
Mushashugyo 武者修行disciplined cultivation /journey through martial arts
Nakamura Taisaburo 中村泰三郎(1912-2003) the founder of Nakamura Ryu Battodo
Naname joho giri 斜め上方斬りdiagonal upward cut
Nito 二刀the simultaneous use of two swords in combat/training
Nodo 喉throat
Noto 納刀sheathing of sword
Nukiuchi 抜打one handed draw and instantaneous strike
Omote 表 external/surface aspect
Renma 練磨polishing, cultivation
Ryuha 流派school/style
Satsujinken 殺人剣the murdering sword
Saya 鞘scabbard/sheath
Seichusen 正中線correct middle line (of body)
Seigan 正眼 correct/exact eye /looking
Seishin 精神 mind heart spirit
Seishin toitsu 精神統一 unification of seishin, concentration, contemplation
Seiza 正坐 correct sitting (kneeling and sitting on feet)
Seiza 静座 quiet sitting (the same position as above but assumed for meditation)
Seme 攻attack
Sen 先having initiative in attack
Sensei 先生teacher (lit. ‘one born before’)
Shaku 尺unit of length approx 30.3 cm
Shin 身the body, the self
Shin 心heart, mind
Shin 神spirit, god
Shinai竹刀bamboo sword used in kendo
Shinken 真剣bladed sword
Shinken Shobu 真剣勝負fighting with real swords or in the spirit of such combat
Shisei 姿勢(lit form of power) posture
Shidachi 仕太刀 receiver of attacks in kumitachi (two men kata)
Shobu 勝負 victory or defeat (exclamation; whole hearted participation in a bout)
Shodan 初段first level (first degree black belt)
Shomen giri 正面斬りfront cut
Shoto 小刀 the shorter sword carried in the belt together with regular katana (daito)
Shugyo 修行 intense path-cultivating mastery
Sojutsu 鎗術 technical system of wielding the spear
Suburi 素振りrepeated swinging of the sword
Sui 水 the element water
Suichokugiri 垂直斬りvertical downward cut
Suriashi すり足sliding step
Suki 隙gap, vulnerability, opportunity
Sun 寸unit of length approx 3.03 cm (10 sun = 1 shaku)
Sundome 寸止め stopping a strike/cut short distance away form target
Tachi 太刀 specifically the long large curved sword hung at the side of the body, blade down and used by mounted warriors but sometimes used to describe the katana as in uchitachi /shitachi terms of kumitachi kata
Taikai 大会tournament, mass meeting
Tai sabaki 体捌き movement of body, repositioning of whole body in response to attack
Tamahagane 玉鋼 jewel steel, the highest quality steel used in making the best Japanese swords
Tameshigiri 試し斬りtest cutting
Tanden 丹田 red (mercury) field, alchemical/energetic vital substance area
Tanren 鍛練 training
Tanrenbo 鍛練棒 a heavy bat used in training
Tatami 畳 Japanese floor matting
Tenouchi 手の内 (lit. the inside of the hands) the technique for gripping the sword
Tokugawa 徳川 The longest lasting Shogunate (military government) in Japanese history continuously ruled by Tokugawa Ieyasu and his descendants (1603-1868)
Tsuba 鍔or 鐔Sword guard
Tsubazeriai 鍔迫り合い the locking of sword guards in close combat (a feature of kendo contests but extremely dangerous in realcombat with swords)
Tsuka 柄 sword handle
Tsukagashira 柄頭 pommel, end of sword handle
Tsuki 突き thrust
Toma 遠間 combative distance where more than a full step is required to strike the opponent
Toyama Ryu 戸山流 the school of swordsmanship that evolved from the system formulated at the Toyama Army Academy in Tokyo between 1925 and 1945.
Uchikomi 打込 driving in, full powered striking
Uchidachi 打太刀 initiator of attacks in kumitachi (two man) kata
Uke nagashi 受 流しoverhead receiving and deflection of a vertical downward cut
Wakikamae 脇構えside guard/ready position
Wakizashi 脇差 (lit. inserted at the side) a short sword used at close quarters
Wara (藁) reed or straw bundled and then soaked to form targets for test cutting
Waza (技) technique
Yari 槍, 鎗, 鑓 spear
Yoko 横side
Yokogiri 横斬り(also真横斬りmayokogiri) sideways horizontal cut
Yoroi 鎧armour
Zanshin 残心 (lit. remaining mind) maintaining a state of alert responsiveness, especially after intense action