IBF Overseas Taikai will be held in March 2024 hosted by Fudokan dojo.
Tentative schedule is as follows.
・Friday 29th March
9.30 - 12.00 katana training
14:00 - 17:00 yari-katana seminar
・Saturday 30th March
9.30 - 12.00 tameshigiri training
14:00 - 17:00 grading test
・Sunday 31st March: Taikai
・Monday 1st April: Recreation
Further detail will be informed later.
Qualification: Valid membership holder of IBF who paid annual fee and one who belongs to an organization invited by IBF
1. Competition System - General
Class: Contestants are grouped into three classes as
1) 2 dan & under, 2) 3 & 4 dan, 3) 5 dan & above
Competition item: Kata, Tameshigiri, Kumitachi and Dantaisen (Team cutting) l Kata : Indivisual performance as described below
l Kumitachi : Two contestants per pair (Uchidachi and Shidachi)
Qualification : 3 dan and above
To perform three designated forms as described below.
Only Mogito (non-steel, non-sharp blade) is allowed for Kumitachi
No sword contact to any part of the body is allowed.
l Tameshigiri : Indivisual performance as described
l Dantaisen (Team cutting) : Three contestants per team, No class.
To perform 6 predetermined cuts as described below.
2. Competition Items
【Kata 】 To perform three Kata for each class as follows.
★ 2 dan & under:
1) Toyamaryu No. 2
2) Toyamaryu No. 4
3) Toyamaryu No. 5
★ 3 & 4 dan:
1) Seitei Toho No. 2
2) Seitei Toho No. 3
3) Seitei Toho No. 7
★ 5 dan & above:
1) Nakamuraryu No.1
2) Nakamuraryu No. 3
3) Nakamuraryu No. 8
【Kumitachi 】:Three Nakamuraryu Kumitachi Nos. 1, 4 and 6
【Tameshigiri 】: Individual performance as described separately.
2 dan & below 3/4 dan
5 dan & above Team cutting
Remote Shizan Taikai will be held in December 2021.
As almost all events have been cancelled or postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and we heard voices from IBF members to have a kind of on-line taikai, we would like to hold a remote shizan taikai for IBF members as follows.
1. Event title: IBF Remote Shizan Taikai 2021
2. Outline: Shizan video uploaded by the player is evaluated by judges.
Participating member takes a video of shizan (or kata if makiwara is not available) and uploads it to the event site over internet.
Judges will examine and evaluate the performance.
There will be no order ranking by score but rank on a scale of A to E will be given and prizes will be awarded for good performances.
3. Participant: IBF member who paid 2021 membership fee.
In case a member who missed the payment of 2021 fee can entry with the annual fee payment.
4. Participation fee: Free
5. Entry due date: 30th November 2021. Entry sheet must be submitted.
6. Submission due date: 24th December, 2021
The participating member must upload a video to a share folder titled as "Shared IBF Remote Shizan Taikai 2021" in Dropbox by 24 December. The video file shall be titled as “your membership number + your name”. Participants can access to the Dropbox share folder after the entry closed.
7. Result announcement: On 31st December 2021
The result will be uploaded on 31st December, 2021 in a private group “IBF member’s club” on Facebook. Details to follow.
8. e-Prizes: Best performance award(最優秀賞)
Outstanding performance award(優秀賞)
Excellent performance award(敢闘賞)
Good spirits award(努力賞)
9. Ranking: Each performance will be ranked on a scale of A to E.
A: Excellent B: Very good C: Good D: Fair E: Poor
10. Judges: Nakamura Kenzo sensei, Sato Seiji sensei, Takano Hiromitsu sensei, Ishikawa Tsutomu sensei, Nomura Yoshitaka sensei,
John Evans sensei, Dave Drawdy sensei
※ Each judge shall review the player’s performance and judge A-E ranking with comment for improvement. Each judge send the result to the administrator. The administrator willsummarize every judge’s comments. The award will be decided by all judges’ vote.
11. Item of Performance
Shizan (=Tameshigiri) :
a) Below Ni-dan: 3 cuts with firm stop of the blade after each cut
①Migi-kesagiri ②Hidari-kesagiri ③Migi-kesagiri, Chiburi + Noto
b) San- and Yon-dan: 4 cuts with firm stop of the blade after each cut
①Hidari-kesagiri ②Migi-kiriage ③Migi-kesagiri ④Hidari-kiriage, Chiburi + Noto
c) Above Go-dan: 5 cuts with smooth flow of movement yet pause the blade after a cut. Do not drift the sword.
①Migi-kesagiri ②Hidari-kiriage ③Migi-kiriage ④Hidari-kesagiri
⑤Migi-mayokogiri, Free Noto
※ The basics is essential for Battodo.
Maai (Distancing), Hasuji (Cutitng trajevtory), Kakudo (Blade angle) and Enkeisen (Circular Motion) are four basics of Battodo
The above four factors must be synchronized with total coordination of one’s mental energy, the body and the sword.
Tenouchi, proper gripping method, is important to cut through a target and stop the blade after a cut.
If the gripping is not correct and the momentum behind a cut is not properly stopped, the blade will shake back and forth.
Stopping the blade after a cut represents properness of the gripping.
So, we ask the performer to stop the blade after a cut each time.
Kata (In case shizan is not possible):
a) Below Nidan: Toyama-ryu
① Toyama No. 1 ② Toyama No. 3 ③ Toyama No. 5
b) Sandal and Yondan: Seitei Toho
① Seitei No. 2 ② Seitei No. 5 ③ Seitei No. 7
c) Above Godan: Nakamura-ryu
① Nakamura No. 2 ② Nakamura No. 4 ③ Nakamura No. 8
Notes: Taking a video
1. The camera shall be located at eye height and a bit off center line by 10~15 degrees so that the performer's face is not hidden by the cutting target.
2. A video shall be taken just from a call of own name at the start line till the Noto completed. At the start line, a player calls own name and forward to the proper distance to withdraw a sword. Then step forward to cut and perform cuttings. Chiburi plus noto is up to 4 dan. Above 5 dan can do any Nakamuraryu noto.
A video taking shall finish when the noto complete.
3. Resolution of the video shall be less 1280 pixel ×720pixel to avoid large memory consumption. We prefer the video resolution around 720 x 480.
4. Video File Format shall be either MP4(.mp4), MOV(.mov) or MPG(.mpg .mpeg).
5. The video being uploaded shall have file name of “IBF membership number + Name”, such as “808123NomuraYoshitaka.mp4”
Notice of Cancellation for the IBF Taikai 2021
Regrettably, the IBF Taikai 2021 in Yokohama scheduled on 7th November 2021 has been cancelled.
The reason is that Tsurumi Sports Center has been assigned to the venue of
COVID-19 mass vaccination as well as current status of pandemic.
In Yokohama, all large sport facilities are assigned to the vaccination venues till February 2022.
We also cancelled the battodo workshop for judges scheduled in July 2021.
(Updated 2021-June-28)
IBF Taikai 2020 in Yokohama
-- Pre-announcement --
1. Event:
“The 23rd International Batto-DoFederation Zenkoku Taikai”
“The 26th Toyamaryu Nakamuraryu Battodo Taikai”
2. Date: Sunday, 1st November 2020
3. Time: 9:00~17:00
4. Venue: Tsurumi Sports Center, Yokohama city, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
5. Entry closing date: 30th August 2020
Social gathering: dinner party on Friday 30 October 2020
Grading test:
Kata & Kumitachi on Friday 30 October 2020
Shizan on Saturday 31 October 2020
IBF California Sword Taikai 2020 is held on Saturday 14th March 2020 at the Pioneer Event Center, 45000 Valley Central Way Lancaster 93536 USA.
IBF California Sword Taikai 2020
Competition Items to be determined later
【Kata Division】
★ 2 dan & under:
①Toyamaryu No.
②Toyamaryu No.
③Toyamaryu No.
★ 3 & 4 dan:
①Seitei Toho No.
②Nakamuraryu No.
③Seitei Toho No.
★ 5 dan & above:
①Nakamuraryu No.
② Toyamaryu No.
③Nakamuraryu No.
【Kumitachi Division】:
Three Nakamuraryu Kumitachi Nos.
Qualification: 3 dan & above
【Tameshigiri Division】to be determined later.
Below is for 2019.
★ 2 dan & under:
3 cutsstarting from a Katate Jodan Kamae of Toyamaryu No. 5 and finish with chudan kamae, chiburi and noto
1) Start from single-handed jodan kamaeas Toyamaryu No. 5,
2) Three steps forward starting with the right foot first,
3) Three cuts downward diagonally(kesagiri) with flow of ToyamaryuNo. 5.
Cutting angle shall be around 40 degree with equal interspace on each cut. Take a bit pause after each cut.
4) One or two steps back to take a right chudan kamae for zanshin,
5) Perform chiburiand noto.
★3 & 4 dan:
4 cuts starting from Nukitsuke and finish with a left reverse noto
1) Start with Nukitsukeas Seitei Toho No. 1 (No actual cut to the mat. Just cut air)
2) Cut left downward diagonally, take a bit pause after the cut and a left Wakigamae
3) Cut right upward diagonally, take a bit pause after the cut.
4) Change steps with the left foot forward and the right foot backward to take a right wakigamae
5) Cut left upward diagonally, take a bit pause after the cut.
6) Adjust steps with the right foot forward and put the left foot sideways,and take a left Wakigamae for horizontal cut.
7) Cut rightward horizontally, take a bit pause after the cut.
8) One step back with the left foot to put the sword onto the right thigh for Zanshin
9) Take Zanshin and perform left reverse noto
★5 dan & above:
5 cuts starting from a right wakigamaeand finish with a left reverse noto.
1) Start with a right Wakigamaeas Nakamuraryu No. 5
2) Three steps forward from the left foot, to approach the target
3) Cut left upward diagonally with the left foot in front, take a pause then Furikaburi
4)Change steps with the right foot forward and the left foot backward
5) Cut left downward diagonally, take a pause then Furikaburi
6)Change steps with the left foot forward and the right foot backward
7) Cut right downward diagonally, take a pause then a horizontal Wakigamae
8) Adjust steps by putting the right foot forward and the left foot sideways for a horizontal cut.
9) Cut leftward horizontally, take a bit pause and take a left horizontal Wakigamae
10) Cut rightward horizontally, take a bit pause
11) One step back with left foot and put a reversed-sword onto the right thigh for zanshin
12) Take Zanshinand left reverse noto
Dantaisen - Team Cutting
★A team consists of 3 contestants. Each person has 100 points and the total of three contestants becomes a score of the team.
★Two cuttings per person
①Senpo (Vangurad): 1.Kesa, 2. Kesa
②Chuken(Mainstay): 1. Kesa, 2. Kiriage
③Taisho (Captain): 1.Kesa, 2.Mayokogiri
Reference sample of Shizan and Kumitachi
Kumitachi 2019
Shizan for 2 dan & below 2019
Shizan for 3, 4 dan 2019
Shizan for 5 dan & above 2019
Video exemplar of the Taikai completion items 2017
IBF Taikai 2017 in Yokohama
-- Official announcement --
“The 23rd Toyamaryu Nakamuraryu Battodo Taikai”
2. Date: Sunday, 29th October 2017
3. Time: 9:00~17:00
4. Venue: Tsurumi Sports Center, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
5. Entry due date: 31st August 2017
Refer to the downloadable pdf files below for the details.
◾︎ Yokohama Taikai on Sunday, 30th October 2016
The IBF Taikai 2016 is held at Tsurumi Sports Center, Yokohama, Japan on Sunday 30th October 2016.
Pre-taikai events including special training, social event and grading will start on Wednesday and post-taikai trip will be planned on Monday and Tuesday. Details shown below documents.