◾︎ Sunday, 8th November 2015
The IBF Taikai 2015 comemorating the 13th memorial service of late Nakamura Taisaburo sensei
will be held on Sunday, 8th of November 2015 at Tsurumi Sports Center, Yokohama, Japan.
The 18th International Batto-Do Federation Zenkoku Taikai
The 21st Toyamaryu Nakamuraryu Battodo Taikai
Venue: Yokohama Tsurumi Sports Center
Street address: 2-5-1 Motomiya, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Japan http://www.yspc.or.jp/tsurumi_sc/ (Japanese only)
Time: 8:30 Registration
9:30 Opening ceremony ~16:30 Closing ceremony
Access: City bus line Nos. 13, 27, 29, 42 & 155 from bus terminal in front of JR
Tsurumi station East exit. Get off at “Morinaga-kojo mae” and 7 minutes’ walk. Bus departs every 5 minutes. Fare Yen 220.-, Taxi 10 minutes to the venue, Fare approx. Yen 1,000.-
Taikai outline is downloadable from "Members only" page, or
Click below.