〜 The head dojo of International Batto-Do Federation 〜
Kakuseikai Dojo is located in the gymnastic hall of Tsurumi Junior High School in Yokohama.
Street address: 3-14-1 Tsurumi Chuo, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Regular class: Every Saturday 19:00-21:00
Practice: Happogiri Toho, Toyama Ryu, Seitei Toho, Nakamura Ryu, Kumitachi and Shizan
Please contact us before you come as the practice schedule may vary. Also the venue may change due to public use.
Tsurumi Sports Center
2-51- Motomiya Tsurumi-ku Yokohama 230-0004
TEL: 045-584-5671
Take any bus from No. 1 platform of bus terminal at JR Tsurumi station "East exit"
Get off at "Morinaga Kojo Mae"
(In front of Morinaga Works)
Bus leaves every 15 minutes and 5 minutes ride.
Make a right at the intersection "Morinaga Bashi Iriguchi" and go straight along with "Morinaga Works". In few minutes, you will see the Tsurumi Sports Center in front of you. Cross a bridge and the venue is right there.
1番乗り場 13系統(新横浜・綱島行き)
2番乗り場 29系統(横浜行き)
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● 『森永工場前』下車
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● 『森永橋入口』交差点を渡り
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● 『森永橋』を渡れば正面にスポーツセンターが見えます